New Patients: 214 - 617-1672 (Plano Directions) | 214 - 617-1682 (Desoto Directions) Existing Patients: 214-227-0668

What are the Benefits of Vitamin IV Hydration Therapy?

While taking daily vitamins and nutrients to get what your body needs has been a reliable method for many, patients are often unaware that the body does not absorb as much of these vitamins and minerals as you would think. Dr. Patrick Obasi of Noble Cosmetic Surgery in Plano, Texas, is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon providing surgical and nonsurgical treatments for patients. When patients are concerned about getting the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients they need to feel their best every day, he may suggest the many benefits of Vitamin IV hydration therapy.

Benefits of Vitamin Iv Hydration Therapy in Plano Area

Understanding how Vitamin IV hydration therapy works 

A common concern with oral vitamins and supplements is ensuring the body gets all the nutrients it needs. Not all of the vitamins and minerals in oral medications are absorbed by the body. Instead, by administering vitamins through an IV (intravenously), patients can ensure 100% absorption of the supplements they need, so their bodies can function correctly. This also accelerates the effects of these nutrients.

At Noble Cosmetic Surgery, patients can receive Vitamin IV hydration therapy conveniently in our office. Our team administers these treatments efficiently for a hassle-free experience. Patients relax as they receive all the nutrients they need through an IV line.

What are the benefits of Vitamin IV hydration therapy? 

Many of our patients visit our office for IV hydration services. Some of the advantages of treatment include:

  • Better absorption of necessary vitamins and minerals
  • Boosted immune system
  • Detoxification of the body
  • Fast and easy hangover relief
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Improved muscle recovery
  • Support of proper weight management
  • Improved energy and vitality
  • Enhanced beauty and reduced signs of aging

What types of IV hydration therapy services are available at Noble Cosmetic Surgery? 

Dr. Obasi offers various infusion therapies for patients to choose from. If you are unsure of which one is best for you, ask our team and make a knowledgeable decision with the help of our providers. Some of the more commonly requested Vitamin IV hydration therapies include:

  • Surgical recovery
  • Noble beauty
  • Noble’s cocktail
  • Immunity plus
  • Athletic recovery
  • Hangover help
Plano Office
New Patients : 214 - 617-1672
Existing Patients : 214-227-0668
Desoto Office
New Patients : 214 - 617-1682
Existing Patients : 214-227-0668

What can I expect from my Vitamin IV hydration therapy appointment? 

First, Dr. Obasi and his team will consult with you to talk to you about what your goals are and how you want to improve your quality of life. He then can recommend the IV treatment most appropriate for your desires. You relax in the comfortable treatment reclining chair in the office as an IV is administered. You will enjoy boosted energy and reduced fatigue in no time, thanks to the proper absorption of all the minerals and vitamins you need for a healthy, active body!

Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of Vitamin IV hydration therapy? 

If you are considering IV hydration service with Dr. Patrick Obasi and his team at Noble Cosmetic Surgery, call one of his two office locations today to discuss your needs. The team is located in both Plano and Desoto, TX, and can assist with educating you on the advantages of IV hydration services to look and feel your absolute best! You can reach our Plano office at 214 - 617-1672 and the Desoto office at 214 - 617-1682.

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Noble Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic Surgeons located in Plano,
TX & Desoto, TX
Patrick Obasi, MD, FACS, FAACS
Patrick Obasi, MD, FACS, FAACS

Dr. Obasi is certified by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery. He attended medical school at Howard University College of Medicine, where he received the American Medical Student Association’s "Exemplary Leadership Award" as chapter president. While completing his residency at Philadelphia's Graduate Hospital, he was presented with the "Surgical Excellence Award" for demonstrating excellent clinical skills and scoring the highest of his class on the in-service examination. This leadership mentality, along with his love of aesthetics, are prevalent today in the results of his work as a cosmetic surgeon. He is now recognized as one of the top 10 best plastic surgeons in Texas by the National Academy of Plastic Surgeons, among other accolades. Dr. Obasi takes much joy in expanding his knowledge and is continuously learning the most up-to-date techniques to enrich the lives of his patients.

Ruth Arumala, DO, MPH, FACOG, NCMP
Ruth Arumala, DO, MPH, FACOG, NCMP

Dr. Arumala is a board-certified Gynecologist, fellowship-trained Reproductive Surgeon, and fellowship-trained Cosmetic Surgeon. A surgeon with specialized training in both Gyn & Cosmetic Surgery, she received her medical degree from Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine in New Jersey, Master of Public Health from Mercer University School of Medicine, and Ob-Gyn specialty training at Georgetown University. She attended a dual-accredited American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery facial and general cosmetic surgery fellowship.
With over 12 awards, Dr. Arumala has been featured in several media publications and is renowned for her holistic approach to women’s health, wellness, and beauty.

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6201 K Ave, Suite 100, Plano, TX 75074

New Patients: 214 - 617-1672
Existing Patients: 214-227-0668

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2727 Bolton Boone Drive, Suite 101, Desoto, TX 75115

New Patients: 214 - 617-1682
Existing Patients: 214-227-0668

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